Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Amazing Avocado Smoothie

1 medium ripe avocado
half a dozen or so ice cubes
1 cup of milk (I use vanilla soy)
2-3 tablespoons of agave nectar

Optional ingredients:
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or imitation)
2 teaspoons sweet cocoa (or use chocolate milk)
A few strawberries

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

About the Drink

This drink is... beautiful. I don't know any other word that sums up the experience of enjoying one of these. It tastes healing, feels life-giving. The creamy fats in the avocado bond and layer over the ice, giving the drink a wonderful bottom. The drink has a weight to it that is both filling and soothing, a thick, expanding coolness as it passes down your throat... The relatively thin soy milk rounds out the middle of the drink and makes the drink light enough to ingest. This masks or blends with most of the avocado flavor... so that the taste is almost recognizable, but not quite. The vanilla and agave are sweet tops for the drink, lending the drink its ether, an angel atop the tree.

Note: I like these without the optional ingredients. However, my son likes them with the strawberries. The strawberries cloak the very mild bitterness in the avocado flavor... which is perhaps is why I like it, the mildest touch of bitterness underneath luxurious creaminess and delicate sweetness of the agave. Like life?

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